pain: (n) smashing your finger while opening your window for first time in three days
best friend: (n) running around in heels in wal-mart with a "pocket book", dancing like you're from a different era (80's) singing songs at the top of your lungs
Buzzkill: (n) going to wash a million pounds of hair spray placed in ones hair to make it stay in place after being curled and poofed and not having anymore shampoo.
Ridiculous: (adj) My neighboors cat in heat last night...
Believable: (adj): Someone drove by my house last night at 12am listing to thriller
over it: (adj) telling someone to please stop calling me...
cheap: (adj) another pair of headphones breaking damm iPod
Homesickness: (adj) not being able to find a Giants bar to go to and watch the game with fellow loud New Yorkers and having to listen to the moans and groans of the Cardnals fans...
Hallowthanksmas- starts the day after Halloween and ends on New Year's day... The holiday season now offically starts October 21st... We now have to look foward to the next 3 months of Christmas crap...
Louis Vuitton- A clothing brand which produces clothing, purses, accessories, shoes, etc. Most "LV" purses you see are fake, However I always want to laugh when the girl that has one, its clearly a fake, and acts like she is some heiress...
Well I’ve got this guitar and he learned how to make it talk
AHHHH the memories of listening to Bruce Springsteen as a kid… My mom would put his records on and my sister and I would dance around the room... Mom would sing those lyrics at the top of her lungs… She would go in an almost trance like state… The words spoke to her… And I could see that, however I could never relate to most of what he sang… All I wanted to do was just dance and sing to "Dancing in the Dark" or "Born in the U.S.A"…
It would be later in my life that I would come to realize that this was the music that has accompanied my mother through every transition in her life…Bruce has over the course of his life, written the soundtrack that is my mom's life…highs, lows, divorce, job loss... Real issues…Ok here is how he has become a soundtrack to mine… It was right after I graduated high school I gave my mom's worn out Born to Run cd a chance… As I listened I was amazed this album deals with the themes of teenage rebellion, youthful hopes and fears, escape the "death trap of a town", and longing for freedom… The album to me sounded something that was written today not 30 years ago... Ok, maybe the youth of today might not be listening to Roy Orbison anymore… But cars to many of us still equal independence... Dreams are still big… Life is still dramatic and adventures epic…. Love still feels like a matter of life and death… Every moment is filled with the possibility of something...
Now let me "bring it all home" on why I am writing this… I watched The O'Reilly Factor last night… It was about Bruce Springsteen's views on the Bush administration's handling of homeland security and the war in Iraq… Here is what upset me O'Reilly went so far as to saying Bruce was "using his music and his talent to try and persuade people that his view of the world is right, and that can be dangerous in the war on terror." He also said that "he is an influence to voters in the 18-35 age groups"… They had some man on to defend Bruce (I think his name is Kinky) and he brought up a valid point and something that I am wondering, as we "the voters in this 18-35 age group," " Have you ever met one politician who's inspired you?"
Here is my view… I have never met a polititician whom has inspired me… and the reason that we look (most of us) up to musicians, and artists is because they do just that inspire us… That is the beauty of art…Words and music are here to paint a picture, to tell a story. Sometimes the music will tell a story of the inequality, the injustice, the anger, the fear, and the struggles of every man… He tells my story… He tells my mom's story too… Politicians only tell me what they want us to hear… What their advisors tell them to say…And granted most of them have a diploma from some Ivy League school…But have they ever struggled??? Do they know what its like to have no money in the bank, work a minimum wage job barely making the bills and two kids??? Show me some pain, show me some anger, and show me that you know what its like to be me… Then maybe you can inspire me…
Bruce is not journalist or a politician… He is songwriter, he is an artist, he is a father, and is American… And the last time I checked we had this ability to speak our minds…
I would like to believe that my generation is a generation of thinkers, movers, and shakers... I would love to believe we are quite capable of making up their own minds on the issues… And interested in just listening to some good 'ole rock and roll music.
It would be later in my life that I would come to realize that this was the music that has accompanied my mother through every transition in her life…Bruce has over the course of his life, written the soundtrack that is my mom's life…highs, lows, divorce, job loss... Real issues…Ok here is how he has become a soundtrack to mine… It was right after I graduated high school I gave my mom's worn out Born to Run cd a chance… As I listened I was amazed this album deals with the themes of teenage rebellion, youthful hopes and fears, escape the "death trap of a town", and longing for freedom… The album to me sounded something that was written today not 30 years ago... Ok, maybe the youth of today might not be listening to Roy Orbison anymore… But cars to many of us still equal independence... Dreams are still big… Life is still dramatic and adventures epic…. Love still feels like a matter of life and death… Every moment is filled with the possibility of something...
Now let me "bring it all home" on why I am writing this… I watched The O'Reilly Factor last night… It was about Bruce Springsteen's views on the Bush administration's handling of homeland security and the war in Iraq… Here is what upset me O'Reilly went so far as to saying Bruce was "using his music and his talent to try and persuade people that his view of the world is right, and that can be dangerous in the war on terror." He also said that "he is an influence to voters in the 18-35 age groups"… They had some man on to defend Bruce (I think his name is Kinky) and he brought up a valid point and something that I am wondering, as we "the voters in this 18-35 age group," " Have you ever met one politician who's inspired you?"
Here is my view… I have never met a polititician whom has inspired me… and the reason that we look (most of us) up to musicians, and artists is because they do just that inspire us… That is the beauty of art…Words and music are here to paint a picture, to tell a story. Sometimes the music will tell a story of the inequality, the injustice, the anger, the fear, and the struggles of every man… He tells my story… He tells my mom's story too… Politicians only tell me what they want us to hear… What their advisors tell them to say…And granted most of them have a diploma from some Ivy League school…But have they ever struggled??? Do they know what its like to have no money in the bank, work a minimum wage job barely making the bills and two kids??? Show me some pain, show me some anger, and show me that you know what its like to be me… Then maybe you can inspire me…
Bruce is not journalist or a politician… He is songwriter, he is an artist, he is a father, and is American… And the last time I checked we had this ability to speak our minds…
I would like to believe that my generation is a generation of thinkers, movers, and shakers... I would love to believe we are quite capable of making up their own minds on the issues… And interested in just listening to some good 'ole rock and roll music.
just one of them days...
Im so thankful to have such great and wonderful people in my life. Growing up I always wished for amazing friends. I use to have imaginary ones because the real ones were never as good. Plus I was a very creative child.
Now, I can honestly say that I have acquired some of the bestest friends that I could ever ask for. I would like to think that they would do anything for me as I would do for them. I know that I can always share my thoughts with them. I can always turn to them if I need help, if i need to vent, if i just need someone to play with my hair and tell me everything will turn out alright. I have friends that will let me pour out my heart and soul to them and never ask me to stop talking. I have created bonds that i can only hope will last a lifetime.
I can honestly say that I ADORE you. I ADMIRE each of your strengths, weaknesses, wisdoms, and qualities that set you apart. I LOVE how you are all different but all the same. I CHERISH my friends. I APPRECIATE having you all in my life. I believe in soulmates- i believe that we were put on this earth for no other reason than to impact one another- i believe that I have met specific people to help me in certain times. There is a reason for everything. There is a reason that I have the friends that I have. And there is a reason why those who were not meant to be in my life arent around anymore.
There is a reason why you're reading this. And though i don't have the knowledge or even wish to contemplate the capacity to what extent that reason is. I do know that somehow. I have made you think. I made you question who you are or what you are about. Ive made you think about the people in your life. In one way or another I have connected with you.
Im just starting to realize that life isnt about finding yourself, but about becoming the person you were always meant to be and I feel that by realizing that... im one step closer to understanding my place.
It's silly... but it makes me smile.
Now, I can honestly say that I have acquired some of the bestest friends that I could ever ask for. I would like to think that they would do anything for me as I would do for them. I know that I can always share my thoughts with them. I can always turn to them if I need help, if i need to vent, if i just need someone to play with my hair and tell me everything will turn out alright. I have friends that will let me pour out my heart and soul to them and never ask me to stop talking. I have created bonds that i can only hope will last a lifetime.
I can honestly say that I ADORE you. I ADMIRE each of your strengths, weaknesses, wisdoms, and qualities that set you apart. I LOVE how you are all different but all the same. I CHERISH my friends. I APPRECIATE having you all in my life. I believe in soulmates- i believe that we were put on this earth for no other reason than to impact one another- i believe that I have met specific people to help me in certain times. There is a reason for everything. There is a reason that I have the friends that I have. And there is a reason why those who were not meant to be in my life arent around anymore.
There is a reason why you're reading this. And though i don't have the knowledge or even wish to contemplate the capacity to what extent that reason is. I do know that somehow. I have made you think. I made you question who you are or what you are about. Ive made you think about the people in your life. In one way or another I have connected with you.
Im just starting to realize that life isnt about finding yourself, but about becoming the person you were always meant to be and I feel that by realizing that... im one step closer to understanding my place.
It's silly... but it makes me smile.
I woke up and called this morning, the tone of your voice was a warning that you don't care for me anymore.
I made up the bed we sleep in.
I looked at the clock when you creep in.
It's 6 AM and I'm alone.
Did you know when you go it's the perfect ending, to the bad day I was just beginning.
When you go, all I know is you're my favorite mistake.
Your friends act sorry for me.
They watch you pretend to adore me.
But I am no fool to this game.
Now here comes your secret lover, she'll be unlike any other, until your guilt goes up in flames. Did you know when you go it's the perfect ending, to the bad day I'd gotten used to spending. When you go, all I know is you're my favorite mistake
You're my favorite mistake.
Well maybe nothing lasts forever, even when you stay together.
I don't need forever after, but it's your laughter won't let me go so I'm holding on this way.
Did you know could you tell you were the only one that I ever loved?
Now everything's so wrong. Did you see me walking by, did it ever make you cry? Now you're my favorite mistake Yeah you're my favorite mistake You're my favorite mistake
~sheryl crow
My new favorite song.... someday someone will sing this to me...
She's not afraid; she just likes to use her night light
When she gets paid, true religion gets it all If they fit right.
She's a little bit manic, completely organic
Doesn't panic for the most part.
She's old enough to know, and young enough not to say no To any chance that she gets for home plate tickets to see the Mets.
Like everybody, she's in over her head, Dreads Feds, Grateful Dead, and doesn't take meds. She's a Gemini Capricorn
Thinks all men are addicted to porn.
I don't agree with her half the time,
But, damn I'm glad she's mine.
Her eyes, that's where hope lies.
That's where blue skies
Meet the sunrise.
Her eyes, that's where I go When I go home.
She got the kinda strength that every man wishes he had. S
he loved Michael Jackson up until he made Bad.
Tells me that she lives about a hundred lives, Scares me to death when she thinks and drives, Says cowboy hats make her look fat, and I'm so glad she's mine.
Her eyes, that's where hope lies. That's where blue skies Meet the sunrise.
Her eyes, that's where I go When I go home.
She doesn't know the word 'impossible
'Don't care where I've been and doesn't care where we're goin' to.
She takes me as I am, and that ain't easy.
She's beautiful. So beautiful. And sometimes I think she's truly crazy.
And I love it.
Her eyes, that's where hope lies.
That's where blue skies Always meet the sunrise.
Her eyes, that's where I go When I go home.
Her eyes, that's where hope lies.
That's where blue skies Always meet the sunrise.
Her eyes, that's where I go When I go home.
She's not afraidshe just likes to use her night light.
~Pat Monahan
I made up the bed we sleep in.
I looked at the clock when you creep in.
It's 6 AM and I'm alone.
Did you know when you go it's the perfect ending, to the bad day I was just beginning.
When you go, all I know is you're my favorite mistake.
Your friends act sorry for me.
They watch you pretend to adore me.
But I am no fool to this game.
Now here comes your secret lover, she'll be unlike any other, until your guilt goes up in flames. Did you know when you go it's the perfect ending, to the bad day I'd gotten used to spending. When you go, all I know is you're my favorite mistake
You're my favorite mistake.
Well maybe nothing lasts forever, even when you stay together.
I don't need forever after, but it's your laughter won't let me go so I'm holding on this way.
Did you know could you tell you were the only one that I ever loved?
Now everything's so wrong. Did you see me walking by, did it ever make you cry? Now you're my favorite mistake Yeah you're my favorite mistake You're my favorite mistake
~sheryl crow
My new favorite song.... someday someone will sing this to me...
She's not afraid; she just likes to use her night light
When she gets paid, true religion gets it all If they fit right.
She's a little bit manic, completely organic
Doesn't panic for the most part.
She's old enough to know, and young enough not to say no To any chance that she gets for home plate tickets to see the Mets.
Like everybody, she's in over her head, Dreads Feds, Grateful Dead, and doesn't take meds. She's a Gemini Capricorn
Thinks all men are addicted to porn.
I don't agree with her half the time,
But, damn I'm glad she's mine.
Her eyes, that's where hope lies.
That's where blue skies
Meet the sunrise.
Her eyes, that's where I go When I go home.
She got the kinda strength that every man wishes he had. S
he loved Michael Jackson up until he made Bad.
Tells me that she lives about a hundred lives, Scares me to death when she thinks and drives, Says cowboy hats make her look fat, and I'm so glad she's mine.
Her eyes, that's where hope lies. That's where blue skies Meet the sunrise.
Her eyes, that's where I go When I go home.
She doesn't know the word 'impossible
'Don't care where I've been and doesn't care where we're goin' to.
She takes me as I am, and that ain't easy.
She's beautiful. So beautiful. And sometimes I think she's truly crazy.
And I love it.
Her eyes, that's where hope lies.
That's where blue skies Always meet the sunrise.
Her eyes, that's where I go When I go home.
Her eyes, that's where hope lies.
That's where blue skies Always meet the sunrise.
Her eyes, that's where I go When I go home.
She's not afraidshe just likes to use her night light.
~Pat Monahan
really now???
The other day I went shopping… I was in fitting rooms I was trying on dresses-, I heard a French man outside my fitting room curtain- "Mademoiselle, mademoiselle- may I have your opinion?" Scared at the sheerness of the curtain, the proximity of his voice, and the lack of clothing on my body I jumped a bit and blurted out "Give me one second..." Safely outfitted in a brown tank dress (which I did not buy, thank you very much) I whipped the curtain back and there was a cute, half naked guy about my age standing a few feet from me in a very tight bathing suit. "Ahh, what do you think?" he asked me with a blaringly strong accent. "I think it looks great" I said to him smiling. "Don't get the black though, that's too boring". After exchaning a few pleasantries I disappeared back into my own fitting room. As I tried on the next dress I could hear French man's American friend outside: "Man, we have to go, like now." "Ohhh," said the French man (in his accent)"why can you not have fun on your lunch break and pretend to be a French man as well?!" At this point I started giggling uncontrolably in my fitting room, then they started laughing too, and by the time I had come out they had left.So thank you fake French guy. I totally love that there are guys somewhere out there who, on their lunch breaks, pretend to be French to get a girl's opinions on tight swimwear just for the fun of it! You seriously made my day
We all have them: Memories of September 11Th.
Where were we? What were we doing? We remember the exact moment that we stood transfixed, eyes wide open as the comforts of home, of our nation ~ our United States of America, exploded before our very eyes.
We remember the television images we couldn't quite believe in our shell-shock, the words we couldn't quite comprehend, and the instinct of knowing that things would never again be as they once were.
I was sleeping, didn't have to be to school until 10:30 for psych class...
My mom woke me up...
I remember her voice sounded horrified...
"a plane just hit the world trade center, i think we are at war"...
Jumped out of bed to see the second plane hit the tower...
I was wearing my Arizona Diamondbacks white circle k shirt and black basketball shorts...
It was sunny and warm still out side...
I began to fear for my family...
My sister in the Army...
The ones who were going to loose their family...
The ones who were going to loose their sisters...

I didn't go to school that day...
I sat most of the day crying watching and praying...
The place where I grew up, A part of my life just crumbled before my eyes...
Innocence of our country lost...
shoot.. so much for big dreams...
The other night I though about my care less spending… As I washed my face ($17.50), plucked my eyebrows (new tweasers-$10), masked myself for 10 minutes ($19.50) and treated/moisturized ($20 combo). Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, I jumped out of bed this morning eager to see the results of money well spent. Instead I immediately realized that 1) the face stuff stained (maybe it will come out?) my pillows and 2) I REEK of sulfur..So I guess what I'm saying isone night's face regeime: $67belief that Sephora can solve all my problems: priceless
A Must Read...
The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways , but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness. We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh! too little, driv e too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to life not life to years. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We've done larger things, but not better things. We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less. These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete...
Remember; spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever. Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent. Remember, to say, "I love you" to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again. Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.AND ALWAYS REMEMBER:Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
~george carlin
Remember; spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever. Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent. Remember, to say, "I love you" to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again. Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.AND ALWAYS REMEMBER:Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
~george carlin
found this...
1. If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay.(Yes, that includes getting pregnant gurl...)
2. Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior.
3. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache.
4. Stop trying to change yourselves for a relationship that's not meant to be.
5. Slower is better.
6. Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy.
7. Have goals and be self sufficient. The last thing u need is to be trapped in a relationship just cause u need him to survive.
8. If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then, heck no, you can't "be friends." A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend.
9. Don't settle.
10. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is.
11. Don't stay because you think, "it will get better." You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better.
12. The only person you can control in a relationship is you.
13. Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently?
14. Always have your own set of friends separate from his.
15. Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. If something bothers you, speak up.
16. Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later.
17. You cannot change a man's behaviors. Change comes from within.
18. Never try to pin a man down, ultimatums don't work.
19. Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are...even if he has more education or in a better job.
20. Do not make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothing less.
21. Never let a man define who you are.
22. Never borrow someone else's man.
23. If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you.
24. A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you.
25. All men are NOT dogs.
26. You should not be the one doing all the bending...compromise is a two way street. Any relationship must b mutual for it to work.
27. You need time to heal between relationships...there is nothing cute about with your issues before pursuing a new relationship.
28. You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you...a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals...look for someone complimentary...not supplementary.
28. Dating can be fun...even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr. Right.
29. Make him miss you sometimes...when a man always know where you are, and your always readily available to him- he takes it for granted.
30. Never move into his mother's house.
31. Never co-sign for a man. (Hallelujah, thank you Jesus!)
32. Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you need. Keep him in your radar but get to know others.
33. If you are dating a man more than 6 months and never met his friends or family YOU ARE NOT HIS GIRL.
34. Love is wonderful
2. Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior.
3. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache.
4. Stop trying to change yourselves for a relationship that's not meant to be.
5. Slower is better.
6. Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy.
7. Have goals and be self sufficient. The last thing u need is to be trapped in a relationship just cause u need him to survive.
8. If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then, heck no, you can't "be friends." A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend.
9. Don't settle.
10. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is.
11. Don't stay because you think, "it will get better." You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better.
12. The only person you can control in a relationship is you.
13. Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently?
14. Always have your own set of friends separate from his.
15. Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. If something bothers you, speak up.
16. Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later.
17. You cannot change a man's behaviors. Change comes from within.
18. Never try to pin a man down, ultimatums don't work.
19. Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are...even if he has more education or in a better job.
20. Do not make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothing less.
21. Never let a man define who you are.
22. Never borrow someone else's man.
23. If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you.
24. A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you.
25. All men are NOT dogs.
26. You should not be the one doing all the bending...compromise is a two way street. Any relationship must b mutual for it to work.
27. You need time to heal between relationships...there is nothing cute about with your issues before pursuing a new relationship.
28. You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you...a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals...look for someone complimentary...not supplementary.
28. Dating can be fun...even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr. Right.
29. Make him miss you sometimes...when a man always know where you are, and your always readily available to him- he takes it for granted.
30. Never move into his mother's house.
31. Never co-sign for a man. (Hallelujah, thank you Jesus!)
32. Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you need. Keep him in your radar but get to know others.
33. If you are dating a man more than 6 months and never met his friends or family YOU ARE NOT HIS GIRL.
34. Love is wonderful
And finally, the most important breakup rule, no matter who broke your heart, or how long it takes to heal, you'll never get through it without your friends... ~carrie bradshaw...
Patience? Is it really a virtue? Or a defense? I do not know.
I don't care for the truth because it comes in ugly packages. Andits scary. Besides everyone always knows the truth anyway. They just choose to ignore it. Because it seldom does any good…..
Sometimes we make stories about our lives and keep believing them until these stories become a reality . till all our senses, our thinking, our existence get infiltrated. we only realize too late, and sometimes, we do not realize at all.
Should i be ashamed? of having loved recklessly. or having recklessly named lust as love…? I do not know. I am confused. But I do know this… I am what I am. Because of all who came before him. Because of him… And I will be who I will be because of all those who might be coming after him….
The other day it rained… I sat outside and let it fall on my face…no hesitation to stay dry… I looked down and saw a rock
and toss into the dark brown puddle that had formed from the rain... Watch the ripples…. And see the surface getting quite again… Life is like that…
"Love is just like having a relationship with fireWhy couldn't you understand that it would only sting you laterWhat happened to me? where were my senses?Why did I ever love the one who would never love me back…"
Songs… they sometimes just spell out the words in your head and in your heart…
I don't care for the truth because it comes in ugly packages. Andits scary. Besides everyone always knows the truth anyway. They just choose to ignore it. Because it seldom does any good…..
Sometimes we make stories about our lives and keep believing them until these stories become a reality . till all our senses, our thinking, our existence get infiltrated. we only realize too late, and sometimes, we do not realize at all.
Should i be ashamed? of having loved recklessly. or having recklessly named lust as love…? I do not know. I am confused. But I do know this… I am what I am. Because of all who came before him. Because of him… And I will be who I will be because of all those who might be coming after him….
The other day it rained… I sat outside and let it fall on my face…no hesitation to stay dry… I looked down and saw a rock
and toss into the dark brown puddle that had formed from the rain... Watch the ripples…. And see the surface getting quite again… Life is like that…
"Love is just like having a relationship with fireWhy couldn't you understand that it would only sting you laterWhat happened to me? where were my senses?Why did I ever love the one who would never love me back…"
Songs… they sometimes just spell out the words in your head and in your heart…
buddha belly...
The world, indeed, is like a dream and the treasures of the world are an alluring mirage! Like the apparent distances in a picture, things have no reality in themselves, but they are like heat haze.
On life's journey faith is nourishment, virtuous deeds are a shelter, wisdom is the light by day and right mindfulness is the protection by night. If a man lives a pure life, nothing can destroy him.
On life's journey faith is nourishment, virtuous deeds are a shelter, wisdom is the light by day and right mindfulness is the protection by night. If a man lives a pure life, nothing can destroy him.
oh heck yeah...
i guess my pretentious attitude towards him for the past several days finally paid off.
not that i intend to do this all the time but yes, maybe sometimes you just need to be invisible for a while so people can get to notice your “existence” more.
i thought this will just be another one of those days when i won’t be getting any sort of message from him…
it was late when he finally sent me a message and not being able to reply soon enough actually made him call instead.... it turned out that he had wanted to watch the game tonight and to have dinner... aside from the fact that i am desperately trying to keep myself from communicating too much, all the more, going out with him…
i just finished my sandwich a few seconds before he called. (and now you know why i wasn’t able to reply to his message sooner…do not disturb sign is up when i’m eating…haha)
i told him i wanted just home but he insisted to see me.
i know i should’ve said no…well, i did once but he insisted and okay, i honestly wanted to see him too.
so after a couple of minutes more, he texted me to go down and meet him at the corner.
when i saw his car coming towards me, i was thinking “i know i should not see him, but i miss him…this won’t take long.” i opened the door and even before i could sit down, he gave me the flowers. all i managed to say was “what is this for?” but deep inside, i was really happy.
i asked myself “when was the last time i got flowers."and yeah, that was like in high school, (shrugs)
i wanted to hug him and show him how much i miss him, but i didn’t. and God knows how hard i was trying not to.
i’ve decided to give him the space he asked for and i’m still convinced that what we have now won’t be going anywhere unless we both work hard on it.
and so like i’ve said, it didnt take long.
he brought me back to the house and he went to dinner.
i know i should be really happy about what happened, don’t get me wrong…i am happy, but its just that somehow it gives me the idea that he’s like that when we have issues and i decide to distance myself for a while…when it gets fixed, he’ll just go back to his old self. and there goes the never-ending cycle..yadah-yadah…
not that i intend to do this all the time but yes, maybe sometimes you just need to be invisible for a while so people can get to notice your “existence” more.
i thought this will just be another one of those days when i won’t be getting any sort of message from him…
it was late when he finally sent me a message and not being able to reply soon enough actually made him call instead.... it turned out that he had wanted to watch the game tonight and to have dinner... aside from the fact that i am desperately trying to keep myself from communicating too much, all the more, going out with him…
i just finished my sandwich a few seconds before he called. (and now you know why i wasn’t able to reply to his message sooner…do not disturb sign is up when i’m eating…haha)
i told him i wanted just home but he insisted to see me.
i know i should’ve said no…well, i did once but he insisted and okay, i honestly wanted to see him too.
so after a couple of minutes more, he texted me to go down and meet him at the corner.
when i saw his car coming towards me, i was thinking “i know i should not see him, but i miss him…this won’t take long.” i opened the door and even before i could sit down, he gave me the flowers. all i managed to say was “what is this for?” but deep inside, i was really happy.
i asked myself “when was the last time i got flowers."and yeah, that was like in high school, (shrugs)
i wanted to hug him and show him how much i miss him, but i didn’t. and God knows how hard i was trying not to.
i’ve decided to give him the space he asked for and i’m still convinced that what we have now won’t be going anywhere unless we both work hard on it.
and so like i’ve said, it didnt take long.
he brought me back to the house and he went to dinner.
i know i should be really happy about what happened, don’t get me wrong…i am happy, but its just that somehow it gives me the idea that he’s like that when we have issues and i decide to distance myself for a while…when it gets fixed, he’ll just go back to his old self. and there goes the never-ending cycle..yadah-yadah…
I am not alone!!
They call it the “Quarter-life Crisis.”
It is when youstop going along with the crowd and start realizingthat there are many things about yourself that youdidn’t know and may not like.
You start feeling insecure and wonder where you willbe in a year or two, but then get scared because youbarely know where you are now.
You start realizing that people are selfish and that,maybe, those friends that you thought you were soclose to aren’t exactly the greatest people you haveever met, and the people you have lost touch with aresome of the most important ones.
What you don’trecognize is that they are realizing that too, andaren’t really cold, catty, mean or insincere, but thatthey are as confused as you.
You look at your job… and it is not even close towhat you thought you would be doing, or maybe you arelooking for a job and realizing that you are going to have to start at the bottom and that scares you.
Your opinions have gotten stronger.
You see what others are doing and find yourself judging more than usual because suddenly you realize that you havecertain boundaries in your life and are constantlyadding things to your list of what is acceptable andwhat isn’t.
One minute, you are insecure and then thenext, secure.
You laugh and cry with the greatest force of yourlife.
You feel alone and scared and confused.
Suddenly, change is the enemy and you try and cling onto the past with dear life, but soon realize that the past is drifting further and further away, and there isnothing to do but stay where you are or move forward.
You get your heart broken and wonder how someone youloved could do such damage to you. Or you lie in bedand wonder why you can’t meet anyone decent enoughthat you want to get to know better. Or maybe you lovesomeone but love someone else too and cannot figureout why you are doing this because you know that youaren’t a bad person. One night stands and random hookups start to look cheap.
Getting wasted and acting like an idiot starts to lookpathetic. You go through the same emotions andquestions over and over, and talk with your friendsabout the same topics because you cannot seem tomake a decision.
You worry about loans, money, the future and making alife for yourself… and while winning the race wouldbe great, right now you’d just like to be a contender!What you may not realize is that everyone reading thisrelates to it.
We are in our best of times and our worst of times,trying as hard as we can to figure this whole thingout.
It is when youstop going along with the crowd and start realizingthat there are many things about yourself that youdidn’t know and may not like.
You start feeling insecure and wonder where you willbe in a year or two, but then get scared because youbarely know where you are now.
You start realizing that people are selfish and that,maybe, those friends that you thought you were soclose to aren’t exactly the greatest people you haveever met, and the people you have lost touch with aresome of the most important ones.
What you don’trecognize is that they are realizing that too, andaren’t really cold, catty, mean or insincere, but thatthey are as confused as you.
You look at your job… and it is not even close towhat you thought you would be doing, or maybe you arelooking for a job and realizing that you are going to have to start at the bottom and that scares you.
Your opinions have gotten stronger.
You see what others are doing and find yourself judging more than usual because suddenly you realize that you havecertain boundaries in your life and are constantlyadding things to your list of what is acceptable andwhat isn’t.
One minute, you are insecure and then thenext, secure.
You laugh and cry with the greatest force of yourlife.
You feel alone and scared and confused.
Suddenly, change is the enemy and you try and cling onto the past with dear life, but soon realize that the past is drifting further and further away, and there isnothing to do but stay where you are or move forward.
You get your heart broken and wonder how someone youloved could do such damage to you. Or you lie in bedand wonder why you can’t meet anyone decent enoughthat you want to get to know better. Or maybe you lovesomeone but love someone else too and cannot figureout why you are doing this because you know that youaren’t a bad person. One night stands and random hookups start to look cheap.
Getting wasted and acting like an idiot starts to lookpathetic. You go through the same emotions andquestions over and over, and talk with your friendsabout the same topics because you cannot seem tomake a decision.
You worry about loans, money, the future and making alife for yourself… and while winning the race wouldbe great, right now you’d just like to be a contender!What you may not realize is that everyone reading thisrelates to it.
We are in our best of times and our worst of times,trying as hard as we can to figure this whole thingout.
quarter life crisis....
It seems to me that I once again started to spiral out of control again… Decisions I made have left me with the feeling of hopelessness that things will never work out… I am not strong… Things that I hoped for things that I wished and believed so strongly that would come true…Have crumpled…
I am exhausted with people… Exhausted with the false positives …
Examples, oh I got them… People telling me what an amazing person I am… Cause I can only think of the negative… "Really you think I am nice?" Then why do my friends think I am a flake… "I am having a bad day, I just feel like chilling"… "Well come out with us we are gonna have so much fun" … Someone explain to me how drinking and going to a club and watching your friends get hit on by everyone while you get pushed aside is helping… Oh here is a good one… when you go out with someone and they can't stop texting someone else… Here is the evil truth… If you want to go out with me have the decency to make me feel like you want to be with me… put your phone down and make me feel like I am important to you…
This past year has put me through relationship hell…
And when I started out writing this blog I had all the intensions of keeping it positive… But people instead of taking ownership of their problems they tend to make them yours… I have a thousand pounds resting on my shoulders… And I am collapsing from with in…
Oh please feet don't fail me now…
So like I said I wanted to keep it positive…Because I like many others have lost hope in relationships,
And even more that true, everlasting, soul mate love...
Today, a little old man, who came into my work, may have made my cold heart warm again and quite possibly renewed my faith. I was helping him out, and he looked at me, and said, "Wanna see a picture of a pretty lady?" I said sure, and he opened his wallet and showed me a black and white picture of a beautiful woman in her fifties or sixties…
It was such a glamorous shot, and I had never realized that it was possible to still be so remarkably beautiful at that age… I asked him if the woman was his wife…
His response "Yes...she's in a nursing home now. I go to visit her every day. Three and a half years, and I've never missed a day..." As if that wasn't sweet enough, when I asked how long they'd been married, to see if maybe it was one of those later-in-life marriages that was still in the puppy love type stage.... Again he looked at me, and said, "58 years today", smiling slightly… I smiled at him and said that his wife was a very lucky woman, and in all seriousness, he looked at me and said, "No...I'm the lucky one she is my everything, my reason for living"
It touched me so much that it made me want to cry…
To see a man so in love with his wife, 58 years later was so wonderful...
I hope I have a love like that someday...I really really do...
I am exhausted with people… Exhausted with the false positives …
Examples, oh I got them… People telling me what an amazing person I am… Cause I can only think of the negative… "Really you think I am nice?" Then why do my friends think I am a flake… "I am having a bad day, I just feel like chilling"… "Well come out with us we are gonna have so much fun" … Someone explain to me how drinking and going to a club and watching your friends get hit on by everyone while you get pushed aside is helping… Oh here is a good one… when you go out with someone and they can't stop texting someone else… Here is the evil truth… If you want to go out with me have the decency to make me feel like you want to be with me… put your phone down and make me feel like I am important to you…
This past year has put me through relationship hell…
And when I started out writing this blog I had all the intensions of keeping it positive… But people instead of taking ownership of their problems they tend to make them yours… I have a thousand pounds resting on my shoulders… And I am collapsing from with in…
Oh please feet don't fail me now…
So like I said I wanted to keep it positive…Because I like many others have lost hope in relationships,
And even more that true, everlasting, soul mate love...
Today, a little old man, who came into my work, may have made my cold heart warm again and quite possibly renewed my faith. I was helping him out, and he looked at me, and said, "Wanna see a picture of a pretty lady?" I said sure, and he opened his wallet and showed me a black and white picture of a beautiful woman in her fifties or sixties…
It was such a glamorous shot, and I had never realized that it was possible to still be so remarkably beautiful at that age… I asked him if the woman was his wife…
His response "Yes...she's in a nursing home now. I go to visit her every day. Three and a half years, and I've never missed a day..." As if that wasn't sweet enough, when I asked how long they'd been married, to see if maybe it was one of those later-in-life marriages that was still in the puppy love type stage.... Again he looked at me, and said, "58 years today", smiling slightly… I smiled at him and said that his wife was a very lucky woman, and in all seriousness, he looked at me and said, "No...I'm the lucky one she is my everything, my reason for living"
It touched me so much that it made me want to cry…
To see a man so in love with his wife, 58 years later was so wonderful...
I hope I have a love like that someday...I really really do...
God-willing, I’m turning 26 in a couple days. I’m in an internal tizzy about this, as I probably will be for every upcoming birthday from now on...
26 is messing with me...
Its offically the beginning of my mid-twentys...
I have nothing to show for the last couple years of my life except bar recepits... Damm...
26 is messing with me...
Its offically the beginning of my mid-twentys...
I have nothing to show for the last couple years of my life except bar recepits... Damm...
I'd rather sit in silence than endure small talk...:
I love people watching and I'm fascinated by human nature and the criminal mind. When I see a guy fleeing from the police, on the local news, all I can think about is what his life must have been like for him to get to that point.
I have an unusual amount of empathy.
Referees and bar tenders don't like me. I understand the referee thing but I will never understand the bartender thing.
I love football baseball and basketball. Nothing better then a "game day" Sunday.
I want a big dog named Denali.
I love boy names for girls.
Old school nintendo video games are my absolute favorite.
At times I have the maturity of a 15 yr old girl.
I say what I feel, it isn't always appreciated, therefore, I don't always say what I feel.
I'm hard to read.
I'm drawn to confident people.
I admire happy people. Happiness isn't always one's natural disposition, it is often a choice.
I fear being thought of as boring.
I'm not every other girl you've dated.
I love movies.
I've been suspended from school for pulling down a guys pants.
I hate guys in flip flops. I hate when a guy complains that you stepped on his toes at a bar.
I'm a sucker for dimples and guys who wear glasses
Laughter is good. My sister can make me laugh she is amazing even if she sprayed windex in my eyes
I'm affectionate. I love kids but have no desire to give birth
I may adopt someday.
I could sit and watch people trip & fall all day long, nothing is funnier to me.
My friends are my family. My family means the world to me, I hope they know that.
I love pizza, sandwiches and mexican food
With enough booze and if the DJ plays Billie Jean or PYT I can do a mean Michael Jackson.
Friendship is the core of every relationship without it why bother.
I am a realist.
I'm going back to school.
I am not capable of settling.
I don't open up as much as I should.
I recently realized I'd rather love than be loved and I'm not sure what to make of that.
I don't believe in an all or nothing philosophy, organized religion isn't for me.
For the first time in a long time my family is as whole as it will ever be and that feels good.
If I can hear the ocean from my bedroom, I know I'm where I'm supposed to be
I love people watching and I'm fascinated by human nature and the criminal mind. When I see a guy fleeing from the police, on the local news, all I can think about is what his life must have been like for him to get to that point.
I have an unusual amount of empathy.
Referees and bar tenders don't like me. I understand the referee thing but I will never understand the bartender thing.
I love football baseball and basketball. Nothing better then a "game day" Sunday.
I want a big dog named Denali.
I love boy names for girls.
Old school nintendo video games are my absolute favorite.
At times I have the maturity of a 15 yr old girl.
I say what I feel, it isn't always appreciated, therefore, I don't always say what I feel.
I'm hard to read.
I'm drawn to confident people.
I admire happy people. Happiness isn't always one's natural disposition, it is often a choice.
I fear being thought of as boring.
I'm not every other girl you've dated.
I love movies.
I've been suspended from school for pulling down a guys pants.
I hate guys in flip flops. I hate when a guy complains that you stepped on his toes at a bar.
I'm a sucker for dimples and guys who wear glasses
Laughter is good. My sister can make me laugh she is amazing even if she sprayed windex in my eyes
I'm affectionate. I love kids but have no desire to give birth
I may adopt someday.
I could sit and watch people trip & fall all day long, nothing is funnier to me.
My friends are my family. My family means the world to me, I hope they know that.
I love pizza, sandwiches and mexican food
With enough booze and if the DJ plays Billie Jean or PYT I can do a mean Michael Jackson.
Friendship is the core of every relationship without it why bother.
I am a realist.
I'm going back to school.
I am not capable of settling.
I don't open up as much as I should.
I recently realized I'd rather love than be loved and I'm not sure what to make of that.
I don't believe in an all or nothing philosophy, organized religion isn't for me.
For the first time in a long time my family is as whole as it will ever be and that feels good.
If I can hear the ocean from my bedroom, I know I'm where I'm supposed to be
Harry Hairdryer had a passion for life and a head for business, but it was the way that he dried the hair of the people around him that his owner remembers him the best…
"There will never be another like him" loyal owner said "He leaves all of us with wonderful memories of joy and laughter and the gift beautifully blown dry hair"
It was Mr. Hairdryers unique combination of keen intelligence, clarity of thought, sharp wit, warmth, and amazing meandering ability led to his extraordinary success… Born in Scottsdale, Mr. Hairdryers attended prestige institutes to further his education on drying hair and participated in many committees and organizations within the hair drying community…
Mr. Hairdryer, 88 years old, died Tuesday March 13, in his North Phoenix home after a long battle with shorting out and getting hair caught in his motor…
Mr. Hairdryer enjoyed traveling around the country with his owner…
Besides his residence in North Phoenix, Mr. Hairdryer owned a summer home in the bathroom drawer where he kept up with all the hair-styles and "up-do's" by reading Cosmo's…
Harry Hairdryer is survived by his lifelong friend and owner Courtney…
Visitations will be Saturday March 17th, 2007, followed a night of drinking at the tilted kilt and the Dubliner…
"There will never be another like him" loyal owner said "He leaves all of us with wonderful memories of joy and laughter and the gift beautifully blown dry hair"
It was Mr. Hairdryers unique combination of keen intelligence, clarity of thought, sharp wit, warmth, and amazing meandering ability led to his extraordinary success… Born in Scottsdale, Mr. Hairdryers attended prestige institutes to further his education on drying hair and participated in many committees and organizations within the hair drying community…
Mr. Hairdryer, 88 years old, died Tuesday March 13, in his North Phoenix home after a long battle with shorting out and getting hair caught in his motor…
Mr. Hairdryer enjoyed traveling around the country with his owner…
Besides his residence in North Phoenix, Mr. Hairdryer owned a summer home in the bathroom drawer where he kept up with all the hair-styles and "up-do's" by reading Cosmo's…
Harry Hairdryer is survived by his lifelong friend and owner Courtney…
Visitations will be Saturday March 17th, 2007, followed a night of drinking at the tilted kilt and the Dubliner…
"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than the facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company...a church...a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our pasts, we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens and 90 percent how I react to it. And so it is with you - we are in charge of our attitudes."
To think is to disreguard your heart's directions, To love is to disreguard the world's...
Love makes us all a little weaker, but in the end we all turn out a little stronger...
If a relationship is going to evolve, it must go through a series of endings...
You know when you're singing along with this song, and you know all the words cause you really love it. Then a train passes or a door closes, and you can't hear the music anymore, but you keep singing anyway. Then, when you can hear it again, you're still perfectly in time with it. Well, that's what love is....
Do you ever just put your arms out and just spin and spin and spin? Well, that's what love is like; everything inside of you tells you to stop before you fall, but for some reason you just keep going -practical magic
I wanted to give you a kiss, but I couldn't. I wanted to give you a hug, but I couldn't. I at least wanted to hold your hand, but I couldn't do that either, because you are so far away. So I gave you the one thing I could. My heart... (AIN'T THIS THE TRUTH)
To get a woman's heart, a man must first use his own...
We kiss. And it feels like we have just shrugged off the world -Jim Shahin
That's what love is all about- recklessly hurting each other, insanley loving each other...
Now some people say that you shouldn't tempt fate, and for them I would not disagree, but I never learned anything from playing it safe, I say fate should not tempt me...
I guess nobody ever really does mean to fall in love. But it happens and love brands itself on your brain. It's like a new street appearing overnight in the city you've lived in your whole life. The street is one way; you can't turn around and get off it. It curves up ahead so that you can only see far enough to know that you're heading into the unknown...
I've never felt like this before, I'm overwhelmed by an unbelievable amount of hatred for him, yet, I couldn't be more in love. it's like I want to throw him out into traffic, then risk my life to save him...
He's the one I call in the middle of the night, he makes everything alright, he holds me when i cry, makes me smile, shares my dreams, wipes away my tears, loves me with no regret....
Love isnt a decision, it's a feeling. If we could decide who we would love it would be much simpler, but less magical...
love is not written on paper, for paper can be erased. nor is it etched in stone, for stone can be broken, but it is inscribed in the heart and there it shall remain forever...
fear? what is there to fear in love? love is the very reason we live. To fear love is to lose all sense of living and if we cannot love then why have we been put here? fearing love is like being afraid of breathing, its not something to be scared of, its something so natural that no one can resist.....
Everyone's afraid of something, that's how you know you care about things, when you're afraid you'll lose them -the bodyguard
When he's around, my whole body knows it.. I'll keep talking and stuff, but my mind will have no idea what I'm saying. I keep wondering if there's a term for this......
Giving someone all your love is enver an assurance that they'll love you back. Don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart, but if it doesn't .. be content that it grew in yours......
All I'm saying is that somewhere out there is the man you are supposed to marry. And if you don't get him first, somebody else will, and you'll have to spend the rest of your life knowing that somebody else is married to your husband -when harry met sally
All of the best love stories have one thing in common, you have to go against the odds to get there.............
Dont give up fighting til nothing else stands in your way, dont give up talking until there's nothing left to say, but no matter what you do, dont ever compromise what you believe...
And although we adore men individually, we agree that as a group they're rather stupid -Marry poppins
The heart feels what the eyes cant see ..and what the mind will never understand...
Why does he have to be like that? so easy for me to fall in love with...
You can't help who it is you fall in love with, whether they're older younger, taller or shorter, completely opposite, or just like you...
**** To fall in love you must first conquer friendship...****
Impossible love is always the most romantic....
He'll only break your heart, it's a fact. And even though I warn you, even though I guarantee you that the boy will only hurt you terribly, you'll still pursue him, ain't love grand?
Love that is not madness is not love...
What if finding the love of your life, meant changing the life that you loved?
You can close your eyes to things you dont want to see but you can never close your heart to things you dont want to feel...
A man should not touch a woman's body, until he has touched her heart...
Love is not the absence of emotion, but the whole summation of feeling...
Always have hope for the guy that turns around one last time when he walks away...
If you hold back feelings because your afraid of being hurt, you end up hurting anyway...
The only reward for love is the experience of loving....
Sometimes you won't let go of love...More times love won't let go of you...
The worst thing you can do for love is to deny it. So when you find that special someone, don't let anyone or anything stand in your way...
In the end all things surrender to feeling...
There are some things I know for certain. Always throw salt over your left shoulder...keep rosemary by your garden gate...plant lavender for luck...and fall in love whenever you can -Practical Magic
Nothing is impossible to a willing heart...
Love and electricity are one in the same, my dear.. if you do not feel the jolt in your soul every time a kiss is shared, a whisper is spoken, a touch is felt, then you're not really in love...
Love makes us all a little weaker, but in the end we all turn out a little stronger...
If a relationship is going to evolve, it must go through a series of endings...
You know when you're singing along with this song, and you know all the words cause you really love it. Then a train passes or a door closes, and you can't hear the music anymore, but you keep singing anyway. Then, when you can hear it again, you're still perfectly in time with it. Well, that's what love is....
Do you ever just put your arms out and just spin and spin and spin? Well, that's what love is like; everything inside of you tells you to stop before you fall, but for some reason you just keep going -practical magic
I wanted to give you a kiss, but I couldn't. I wanted to give you a hug, but I couldn't. I at least wanted to hold your hand, but I couldn't do that either, because you are so far away. So I gave you the one thing I could. My heart... (AIN'T THIS THE TRUTH)
To get a woman's heart, a man must first use his own...
We kiss. And it feels like we have just shrugged off the world -Jim Shahin
That's what love is all about- recklessly hurting each other, insanley loving each other...
Now some people say that you shouldn't tempt fate, and for them I would not disagree, but I never learned anything from playing it safe, I say fate should not tempt me...
I guess nobody ever really does mean to fall in love. But it happens and love brands itself on your brain. It's like a new street appearing overnight in the city you've lived in your whole life. The street is one way; you can't turn around and get off it. It curves up ahead so that you can only see far enough to know that you're heading into the unknown...
I've never felt like this before, I'm overwhelmed by an unbelievable amount of hatred for him, yet, I couldn't be more in love. it's like I want to throw him out into traffic, then risk my life to save him...
He's the one I call in the middle of the night, he makes everything alright, he holds me when i cry, makes me smile, shares my dreams, wipes away my tears, loves me with no regret....
Love isnt a decision, it's a feeling. If we could decide who we would love it would be much simpler, but less magical...
love is not written on paper, for paper can be erased. nor is it etched in stone, for stone can be broken, but it is inscribed in the heart and there it shall remain forever...
fear? what is there to fear in love? love is the very reason we live. To fear love is to lose all sense of living and if we cannot love then why have we been put here? fearing love is like being afraid of breathing, its not something to be scared of, its something so natural that no one can resist.....
Everyone's afraid of something, that's how you know you care about things, when you're afraid you'll lose them -the bodyguard
When he's around, my whole body knows it.. I'll keep talking and stuff, but my mind will have no idea what I'm saying. I keep wondering if there's a term for this......
Giving someone all your love is enver an assurance that they'll love you back. Don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart, but if it doesn't .. be content that it grew in yours......
All I'm saying is that somewhere out there is the man you are supposed to marry. And if you don't get him first, somebody else will, and you'll have to spend the rest of your life knowing that somebody else is married to your husband -when harry met sally
All of the best love stories have one thing in common, you have to go against the odds to get there.............
Dont give up fighting til nothing else stands in your way, dont give up talking until there's nothing left to say, but no matter what you do, dont ever compromise what you believe...
And although we adore men individually, we agree that as a group they're rather stupid -Marry poppins
The heart feels what the eyes cant see ..and what the mind will never understand...
Why does he have to be like that? so easy for me to fall in love with...
You can't help who it is you fall in love with, whether they're older younger, taller or shorter, completely opposite, or just like you...
**** To fall in love you must first conquer friendship...****
Impossible love is always the most romantic....
He'll only break your heart, it's a fact. And even though I warn you, even though I guarantee you that the boy will only hurt you terribly, you'll still pursue him, ain't love grand?
Love that is not madness is not love...
What if finding the love of your life, meant changing the life that you loved?
You can close your eyes to things you dont want to see but you can never close your heart to things you dont want to feel...
A man should not touch a woman's body, until he has touched her heart...
Love is not the absence of emotion, but the whole summation of feeling...
Always have hope for the guy that turns around one last time when he walks away...
If you hold back feelings because your afraid of being hurt, you end up hurting anyway...
The only reward for love is the experience of loving....
Sometimes you won't let go of love...More times love won't let go of you...
The worst thing you can do for love is to deny it. So when you find that special someone, don't let anyone or anything stand in your way...
In the end all things surrender to feeling...
There are some things I know for certain. Always throw salt over your left shoulder...keep rosemary by your garden gate...plant lavender for luck...and fall in love whenever you can -Practical Magic
Nothing is impossible to a willing heart...
Love and electricity are one in the same, my dear.. if you do not feel the jolt in your soul every time a kiss is shared, a whisper is spoken, a touch is felt, then you're not really in love...
look what i found...
I found something really amusing yesterday.... I found a short-lived diary from when I was in fifth grade I think… It was 1994…
I had just moved to Arizona from Maryland… My mom was trying to find a better life for me and my sister… However I didn't feel like she was doing this for that… I felt that it was her way of making my life hell…
So I was writing in my diary, and it went something like this… Word for word…Dear diary: Prepare yourself. I am sorry... I am going to write a swear word in you... I fucking hate Arizona… I don't understand the people out here…They all look at me like I am weird… I had to stand in front of the class and introuduce myself, I was so scared… I told everyone that I was from New York and I LOVED green day and New york giants… They all laughed at me… I wore my giants Jacket today and someone told me I was dumb for wearing it… then they told me I couldn't sit with them on the bus… I just want to lock myself in a room and listen to my Green Day cd… and wear all black… I told my mom everything and she told me to give it a chance… I want to move home… I want to go to my dad's… I fucking hate Arizona… I want not go to school ever again…
I got over this real fast… Like the next week... I also never wore all black... and forgave my mom....
I had just moved to Arizona from Maryland… My mom was trying to find a better life for me and my sister… However I didn't feel like she was doing this for that… I felt that it was her way of making my life hell…
So I was writing in my diary, and it went something like this… Word for word…Dear diary: Prepare yourself. I am sorry... I am going to write a swear word in you... I fucking hate Arizona… I don't understand the people out here…They all look at me like I am weird… I had to stand in front of the class and introuduce myself, I was so scared… I told everyone that I was from New York and I LOVED green day and New york giants… They all laughed at me… I wore my giants Jacket today and someone told me I was dumb for wearing it… then they told me I couldn't sit with them on the bus… I just want to lock myself in a room and listen to my Green Day cd… and wear all black… I told my mom everything and she told me to give it a chance… I want to move home… I want to go to my dad's… I fucking hate Arizona… I want not go to school ever again…
I got over this real fast… Like the next week... I also never wore all black... and forgave my mom....
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