
I have sat here for the last 20 minutes staring at the computer screen wondering where should I start… How bout this I lost a friend this weekend… He was such a great guy…Always made me smile… Tried to dance but never could… Let me shave his chest because he "looked like Austin Powers" not only that but I shaved his chest with a dull razor blade and soap… He ended up going to the hospital due to really bad razor burn…His smile always made me smile… in a crowed bar he always found me… bought me a drink and tried to take me home… Last time I saw him he looked at me with a serious face and told me that he just brought sexy back… That was so Bob…

I am glad I can close my eyes and still see his smile… Hear his laugh… That was as I knew him… How I will remember him…

live life as if there is no tomorrow, why just sit around and waist your life away… make someone life, smile at a stranger on the street, people remember that…Never regret anything, you are who you are for the mistakes you have made…Remember to tell those close to you that you love them...

Bob… Drink it down and live it up…

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