And then "Bad" came out... My friend Melissa Ashcraft and I would sit on her porch and play that tape over and over again... We would jump rope to it, dance to it, sing to it... I remember watching him no wait studying him on MTV to learn new dance moves... You see that was when MTV played music videos... Funny saying that, the first video i saw on MTV in years was Michael Jackson's "Bad" on Thursday after his death...
Michael Jackson was an icon... Thriller was released 27 years ago and its still the best selling record of all time... Mark my words, it will never be topped... Michael Jackson didn't make music videos, he made motion pictures... He made us all rush home from school to turn on MTV to see his videos... He made us dance in front of our TVs... He made us feel his music with every kick or thrust...
On Thursday morning, at about 10:00 AM, Michael Jackson's "Beat it" played on my Pandora... One of my co-workers was in a bad mood, so i did a little dance for her to make her smile... I turned to my boss and said, "27 years later and this song is still one of the greatest, they don't make music like this any more"... My boss was the one who called and told me about his death 3 hours later... At first like many i am sure kept hoping that what i was seeing was not true...
In the hours that followed his death, I turned on the radio and they were playing Michael Jackson songs...Some of the songs I haven't heard in years... I started dancing and singing and thought this is how i am going to honor him.. I am not going to reflect on the last 10 years of his life... I want to celebrate the music, embrace the warm memories... I want to play his music for my children... I want not to reflect on all the negative things that have come out about him and that will... Cause all of that will not take away the beautiful memories we have shared...
Thank you Michael for all the joy you brought me... I know that every time i hear you songs your spirit will live on in everyone of us....